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Safework Solutions’ Learning Management System saves clients time & money managing traini

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

November 23, 2018, Thibodaux, LASafework Solutions, LLC announces the release of the Safety Training Manager, a modular tool that will manage OS&H safety training activities, competency assessments, CBT’s, safety meetings, and awareness level instructions through toolbox talks and pre-job meetings.

Safety Training Manager is now available as part of the Safework Suite of tools that currently integrates nine OS&H business processes.  Safework Suite operates as a single web-based safety management system designed as a technology solution for real-time hazard identification and control management for your critical business safety processes.

According to Michael Gautreaux, CSP, founding member of Safework Solutions, “The Safety Training Manager tool provides the structure and uniformity for day-to-day field safety hazard recognition and training activities. It is designed to help companies provide timely safety information and training in field operations while easily capturing event completion records and employee level topic completion. The Safety Training Manager supports your most basic legal obligation to instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and practices applicable to employees work environment and the proper controls necessary to reduce hazard exposure to on the job illness or injury.”

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Safety Training Manager is easy to use and provides customization to:

  1. Create a Safety Training Matrix linking required training and frequency by position

  2. Pre-load presentation materials, company policies, videos and safety alerts to be used in safety training events

  3. Electronically record attendance and track completion of training events to employee specific training records.

  4. Generate official participate training transcripts and completion certificates

  5. Maintain critical training event records including lesson plans, topic materials, delivery, presenter and rosters as per ANSI Z490.1 Accepted Practices for Safety, Health and Environmental Training.

  6. Real-time monitoring and reporting of progress towards company training goals

  7. Access to downloadable safety training topic library to help you build your own custom training events.

About Safework Solutions

Designed by Board-Certified Safety Professionals for the safety practice, Safework Suite offers 10 (10) real-time, web-based, safety tools with featured reporting that can transform your safety culture from a reactive one to a proactive one. The Safework OS&H management system will provide a platform of sustainable performance and continuous improvement.

Safework Suite saves you time and money while adding value to your OS&H management system. Call toll free 1-833-SWSUITE (1-833-797-8483) to schedule a demonstration of Safework Suite software. You may schedule a demo or contact them on their website,

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